The Domino Effect in Writing
Domino is the name of a set of small squares with numbers on each side. When arranged together on a flat surface, they can be stacked in long rows and then knocked over. People play many games with dominoes. They also make good toys for children, who like to use them to create shapes or lines.
You’ve probably seen videos of someone creating one of these amazing domino constructions. Just a slight touch of one domino causes the whole row to tip over in a rhythmic chain reaction. This is called the “domino effect.” The term has also been applied to any sequence of events that start small but have large–and sometimes catastrophic–consequences.
For example, when a man accidentally falls onto his neighbors’ yard furniture, it may cause the owners to fall over and so on. The chain reaction could be very destructive and dangerous.
In writing, the domino effect is often used to describe a series of events that cascade through a character’s life or world. The first event may seem insignificant, but it can have a big impact on the future of a character and lead to all sorts of complications and obstacles. The domino effect can even be used to describe an entire plot or storyline.
When a writer describes the domino effect in his or her writing, he or she is generally describing how events, both major and minor, occur at once in an order that seems unorganized and chaotic to the reader but which actually makes sense when the sequence is fully explained. The effect can be dramatic, funny, tragic, or any combination of the above.
To be a successful writer, it’s important to understand the domino effect and how to apply it to your writing. In this article, we’ll look at how the domino effect can be used to create suspense and tension in a scene and how it can be used to keep the reader interested in your characters and the plot.
As the domino sets are arranged on the table, each player takes turns playing a domino. A tile is played by placing it on the table positioned so that its matching end touches one of the ends of the domino chain (unless the domino is a double, which is placed perpendicular to the other end). Once a tile is played, it remains in place until another player plays a domino to match it or until all the pieces have fallen.
When a player is in turn unable to play a domino, that player can draw from the stock until an opening double is found and then play it. The next highest domino in the hand is then played, and so on until all players have seven dominoes. Hevesh, who creates these mind-blowing domino sets, follows a version of the engineering-design process when designing her creations. She considers the theme of the installation, brainstorms images or words that might relate to that theme, and then begins arranging dominoes in a pattern that will work with the design. As each domino is laid, much of its potential energy converts to kinetic energy, or the energy of motion, and some of this energy is transferred to the domino that it pushes over.